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7 Apps to Edit your selfie to perfection

7 Apps to Edit your selfie to perfection

It’s 2015, and let’s be honest, one of the only things that chicks care about anymore is taking a hot selfie. Whether it’s to impress crushes, make exes jealous, or simply to show off how good you look to the masses- hot selfies are a necessity. Some girls even literally create a living off of their selfies and get attention from a low budget or even legit modeling agencies on social media. With the pressure so high to look bomb in pictures, editing is a must. Everyone knows that a good editing app is a girl’s best friend, but with hundreds on the market nowadays, how are you supposed to know which one is the best? Obviously this is why we’re here to help you, so below are the seven apps you need to get to edit your selfie to perfection.

1. Snapseed.

Snapseed has been said to be the app that iPhone photographers “couldn’t do without.” It’s one of the most popular photo apps among iPhone photographers, so if it’s good enough for the professionals, it’s undoubtedly good enough for you! Not to mention, it has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 300,000 votes! It’s powerful, free, available on iPhone and Android, and it’s easy to use- what more could you ask for. They also have a selective adjustment tool, which allows users only to edit parts of their picture rather than the entire thing. This feature obviously would come in handy majorly if you want to edit out a blemish, dark shadows, or other flaws that could potentially mess up your selfie. Snapseed also has a variety of filters which can be applied over another to build up whatever look you’re going for.

2. Camera+

Camera+ might not be free, but the $2.99 fee to purchase it on the app store is certainly worth every penny. Camera+ is both a camera and an editing tool and has five main editing categories to make your selfie flawless. The five categories: scenes, crops, the lab, filters and frames each offers a variety of tools and options to choose from. Needless to say, there are so many different tricks and tools in this app to edit out any flaws or simply enhance your picture. The app also boasts a ton of cool filters, which you can layer when using the advanced setting. The app has gained praise from hundreds of users and has a 4.5 out of 5-star average rating with almost 400 votes.

3. Photoshop Express

This app is similar to the previous two mentioned in regards to it’s strong adjustment tools and awesome filters, but Photoshop Express’s “healing tool” is amazing. The healing tool is perfect to edit easily out any blemishes that are catching your eye in your selfie. Pimples, dark spots, shadows, and wrinkles will simply disappear with the healing tool. It’s free on the app store and boasts a 4 out of 5-star rating with nearly 500,000 votes to show for it.

4. Photoshop Touch

This app is arguably the most powerful photo editing app on the market right now. It’s been said to be the most similar to actual photoshop on your computer, so if you’re a photoshop geek, this app is for you. Not only does Photoshop Touch offer the classic editing apps most people are accustomed to, but it allows you to create montages, blend pictures together, and make double or multiple exposure images. This would be perfect for the artsy, hipster girls who takes great pride in their selfies but also like to stand out and be creative. The quality of this app is no joke, so it’s price of $4.99 might seem expensive to some, but once you use it, you’ll understand why.

5. Noir Photo

If you’re super into black and white selfies, this app is a must. Noir Photo is purely meant for editing black and white photos to perfection. It’s simple and easy to use but creates really intense and dramatic results. Users are given different dials to change exposure, tints, and vignette with their black and white image. It’s only $2.99 on the app store and is worth the buy if you usually opt for black and white filters on Instagram.

6. Touch Retouch

Have you ever taken the best-looking selfie and see later that there was a random person in the background? Or a hair sticking up in the back of your head? Or even a messy bathroom counter? Well, this app is perfect for removing all of the unwanted content from your photos seamlessly. All you do is use your finger to “paint” over the unwanted objects or people and bam, it’s gone. TouchRetouch is $0.99 on the app store and has 4 out of 5 stars on the app store from almost 200 different users.

7. Pic Monkey

Though pricey, PicMonkey has everything a selfie editor needs and then some. The app has solutions to every selfie’s problem, including airbrush, spray tan, blemish fix, shine reduction, teeth whiten, eye brighten, and even lip tint! You can enjoy PicMonkey for $4.99 a month or $33 a year.

The 5 Types of Selfies that Annoy Everyone

The 5 Types of Selfies that Annoy Everyone

Yeah yeah, I get it.  Everybody loves taking selfies for Snapchat sex.  But did you ever stop to think about what your duck-lipped selfie faces look like to the casual observer?

Believe it or not, when you’re out in public getting your self-portrait on, other people think you look downright silly. They’re also well within their rights to snap a picture of you snapping your selfie so that they can make fun of you on the internet.

There’s no doubt that the selfie has become a cultural phenomenon, flooding the Internet and social networking sites on an hourly basis.

From the spectator who posed cheerily at the scene of murder, to the teen who took a solo shot in front of the dead relative’s casket, it is clear that there is confusion when it is appropriate to capture your selfie (even if the lighting is perfect!)

Everyone from David Cameron to Ellen DeGeneres takes selfies. But most of the time, we do it so we can post them onto social media and show everyo

ne what we look like at our best, and how we spend our time. There are even trends that we jump on board with for no real reason, like after sex selfies (literally, selfies taken immediately after sex), couplies (selfies of couples, generally quite smug-looking) and uglies (selfies where you make a really ugly face.)

Get your camera out, or actually put it away for these types of annoying selfies we will all see at one point in our social media lifetimes.


This basically means people posting a picture of their post-sex faces on social media, for no other reason than to share their special moment with the World Wide Web. Naturally, hundreds of people are now jumping on board. Lovers curled up in bed are no longer engaging in some intimate post-sex chat, they’re reaching for their smartphones, opening snapchat and snapping a sexy post sex (or god forbid) naked selfies.

The happy couples lying in their own love juices just want the rest of their Instagram followers and snapchat friends to know they’ve just been making love, while you’ve been scrolling through your boring Instagram feed or binge watching House of Cards.

The after sex selfie doesn’t stop at couples. Those engaging in a one-night stands are also showing off that they are out there living their youth to the max, and sleeping with people who are just as social media savvy as them. Do it for the snapchat, or do it for the STD? You tell me.


Not all selfies have to be of just your face. One of the most common types of selfie is this ridiculous variety of point-of-view shot. Here’s the thing: while we’re grinding away at our jobs, freezing our asses off as fall turns to winter, we don’t want to see your beach vacation photos. I definitely don’t want to see pics featuring your nasty ass feet, I mean seriously get a pedicure first. If you are travelling to some exotic Island or you are in the presence of natural beauty, that’s one thing. But, if you’re chugging a twelve pack of Coors Light at Myrtle Beach, you don’t have to tell the world about it. Maybe, just maybe, I can accept this type of selfie if you are trailblazing through the back country of Yosemite or staying in a hostel in Prague. If you are accompanying your little cousin to Ocean City for no reason at all, keep your phone in the hotel.


I don’t think I will ever understand the gym selfie. If you go to the gym regularly, people who know you will notice the results. Whether you are out at the club, working in the office, or attending a stamp collecting convention, your body will be on display. Just because you post a selfie of you dripping in neon nike apparel does not mean your body is changing what so ever. I mean, just because I posted a pic in the weights room looking all fit and glistening doesn’t mean I actually worked out, it means I only went to lurk my ex. The only difference between a gym selfie and a regular selfie is that you have a much higher chance of catching someone more attractive than you in the background at the gym.

Ever get a bit self-conscious in the mirror, as you’re about to snap a selfie of you flexing? If you look at other people’s selfies at gym, it’s guaranteed that they’re striking the same pose, except they all look confident. If you still don’t think gym selfies are stupid, I’ll leave you with this piece of advice to capture your best gym selfie. Forget about your surroundings and just focus on getting your best picture. Don’t take a selfie in the locker room because the last thing you want is a man with nothing but a towel on in the background of your selfie. A little confidence goes a long way and it will translate in your selfie. With that said, don’t look cocky, there’s a big difference.


First of all collages are not a thing anymore. If you post a collage, I promise I will unfollow you. If your selfie can be described as a “craft” or a “project” and not merely a photo, we have a problem. If you think your mother puts too much effort into scrapbooking, but here you are arranging photos in little squares, you need to check yourself. If you find yourself making a photo collage of yourself, you need to put your phone in a drawer, take a long walk, and take stock of your priorities.


Yes, it is wonderful to watch the leaves turn and down every pumpkin beer we can get our hands on, but when will the “look the leaves are falling” pictures end? If I have to peep one more pic of some fraternity slut apple picking while wearing a scarf they knitted and slurping a pumpkin spice latte, I might just delete my Instagram for a few months. We get it, your wearing want gold accessories , have new brown boots, and looks like you camouflage in with leaves. Give it a rest.



Texting is one of the most used means of communication in 2015, and that fact shouldn’t surprise you. It’s simply easier, more convenient, and quick. Obviously, couples use texting as a way to communicate while they’re not together. There are tons of dilemmas in dating, and nowadays texting is at the top of that list. It usually overcomplicates things and greatly enhances the chance for miscommunication. Because of this, it’s important to set up some rules! Read on to be in the know.

1. Don’t read too much into it.

Texting means different things to different people, especially with men and women. While one person in the relationship thinks that texting means connecting and showing each other that you’re thinking about them, the other might just think texting is a way to make plans. Because of this, you can’t read too much into what texting means to one another.

2. Don’t text constantly.

One of the bad things about texting is the conversation never ends. You don’t need to be in constant communication with your significant other; it’s simply not natural. You both need some time to be independent and on your own. Sure, you can have conversations, but make sure to end it at some point with an “I’ll talk to you later!”

3. Don’t get mad at them for not texting back.

Everyone is guilty of this at one time or another. No one likes fighting with their significant others, yet usually, the topic of not texting back is one of the first things to get angry about with your partner. It’s an unnecessary reason to get fed up with one another, especially because usually the person was just busy or forgot.

4. Don’t have serious conversations or argue over text.

As we stated earlier, texting enhances the chance for miscommunication by a ton, so having serious conversations and arguing over text is an awful idea. You don’t want to make situations worse than they already are, and not talking in person does exactly that.

5. Don’t rely on texting as your only form of communication.

This tends to happen more so in younger, less mature or casual relationships. Relying on texting as your sole means of communication with your significant other is ridiculous because it’s not a face-to-face conversation. It’s important to communicate in various ways, not just texting.

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For more information on Texting guidelines for dating check out the video below.